"What you have in abundance is open-mindedness and curiosity, the great kick starters devoted to one's cause."

Progress in your inborn talent
Tap your maximum potential
Harness the power of Ikigai to gallop ahead

Ikigai is an ancient Japanese philosophy that has enveloped the way Japanese live.
The philosophy dates back to the Heian period, between 794 to 1185.
Inspiring and comforting, this IBM will give you the life-changing tools to
uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to lead your life,
find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions.

Why Inherent Brain Mapping

Fingerprints are formed simultaneously with the development of the brain during the 13th to 19th week of the foetus - a fact confirmed by medical science.

The human brain dedicates the majority of approximately 200 million nerve endings to the hands.

Fingerprints are therefore natural sources of physiological and psychological information.

The distribution of prints is considered to represent the propotion of brain cells and their distribution in each of the brain lobes.

Dermatoglyphics is a scientific study of the fingerprint of human beings.

The human brain is divided in 5 Lobes - Prefrontal, Frontal, Parietal, Temporal and Occipital. These lobes are in-turn divided in 2 parts each as per brain division in left brain and right brain. Each of these 10 parts of human brain have different functionality and are associated with different multiple intelligence as per theory of Multiple Intelligence by Dr. Howard Gardner.
Hence these 10 parts of human brain are associated with 10 fingers. These prints on tips of finger can hence be utilized to further identify the strength of brain structures which are in charge of the intelligence area.

The 5 Pillars of Ikigai



Harmony &

The joy of
little things

Being in the
here and now

An unexamined life is not worth living. To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom. The secret of change is to focus all of you energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new.- Socrates


Design your ideal
work lifestyle

Create strong social
connections at work

Create a healthy
work-life balance

Pursue your
career dreams

Enjoy your